
大学监督的宿舍为全日制注册的男女学生提供. The following statement of policy is Delta State’s official position on residency. On-campus living provides living and learning experiences that enhance the total philosophy of higher education; therefore, Delta State University encourages students to live in University housing facilities. Students find living on campus an exciting educational experience. 学生住房 supervises all residence halls and family housing. Each residence hall has a director who lives in and supervises the building and its residents.

Delta State University is a tobacco and alcohol-free campus, this includes all residence halls and family housing units.


全日制学生在8月31日(秋季)/ 1月31日(春季)时未满21岁,并且在第二暑期结束时完成少于60小时的学分,必须在校内住满两个学年(4 4个学期)或直到你年满21岁或至少工作60个小时.

Exceptions are authorized with proper documentation for married students, 单亲父母, 最近的退伍军人, 对于那些与父母或法定监护人住在一起,通勤距离不超过30英里的学生.

Exemption requests must be submitted in writing to the University Services office. 书面豁免请求必须包括豁免的理由和适当的文件.  Students must submit their requests to the Program Manager for Housing Administration – housing@1021shop.com.

Married students are required to submit a copy of their marriage license.  单亲学生需提交子女的出生证明复印件.  与父母或法定监护人住在一起的学生需要提交父母/法定监护人的以下文件-最近的水电费账单 最近的财产税文件,提供他们的地址,并从学生-一份副本的国家颁发I.D. their most recent bank statement that provides their address.  If for any reason this documentation is found to be invalid, the student will be required to move on campus or will be responsible for the exemption fine.



  1. A non-refundable application fee of $75.00 is required for each resident of the residence hall.
  2. 没有钥匙押金. 一共是15美元.00 charge for each damaged key replacement. Students should not have Delta State keys duplicated. 会有25美元.00 charge for a lost key, and the lock will be replaced and new keys cut for the room.
  3. To transfer from one residence hall to another or from one room to another in the same hall, the student must visit 学生住房 to begin the transferring process. Transferring will be allowed only at the beginning of each semester unless special permission is granted by the 学生住房. Failure to follow the proper transfer procedure will result in a charge to the student account.


  1. 居民必须关灯, 电器, and televisions when leaving their rooms for any length of time. However, hall and lobby lights are left on at night for 安全 reasons. Anything requiring electricity must be disconnected during holiday periods.
  2. 所有垃圾或废物应每天存放在每个宿舍指定区域的适当垃圾桶中.
  3. 常规的火, 安全, 每个宿舍都将进行房间检查,以确定是否遵守了所有安全规定和预期的清洁标准. Repeated violations of this code will result in disciplinary action.
  4. 宿舍24小时都锁着. 所有宿舍楼的住客必须使用组合门或卡片门进出宿舍楼. Other doors may be used only in case of emergency. Doors may not be propped open except during busy check-in and check-out days. Violators will be subject to disciplinary action.
  5. 所有偷窃、损坏财产等. 应该报告 立即 to the resident assistant, residence hall director, and Delta State Police Department. The University is not liable for loss of or damage to any or all student property.
  6. Students must remove all personal belongings from the residence hall rooms upon check-out. Housing is not responsible for theft, damage, security of, or storage of personal belongings. This is part of the proper check-out procedure.


  1. 三角洲州宿舍楼的居民可以使用以下指导方针并在住房管理项目经理的批准下个性化他们的房间. 住房部门保留在必要时限制居民在某些区域或建筑物使用此政策的权利.
    1. 未经房管项目经理批准,学生不得在宿舍墙壁上粘贴墙纸或任何永久性材料.
    2. 地毯可以在宿舍房间使用,只要它不是永久附着在地板上. 不要用胶带吗.
    3. 小箱子、椅子、台灯等. 可以加到房间里吗, but any other furniture must be approved by the Program Manager for Housing Administration 之前 to moving any other furnishings into the residence hall.
    4. No lofts or permanently attached furnishings may be added to the existing residence hall rooms, 未经房屋管理项目经理的事先批准,不得对现有房间进行任何更改.
    5. All tape, tacks, nails, and adhesive material used to hold pictures, posters, etc. on the walls must be removed before the “check-out” process is complete. Charges will be made for wall damage due to tape, tacks, nails, and other adhesive materials.
    6. 任何违反上述政策的行为都可能导致适当的纪律处分以及房间或财产损失的费用.
  1. 学生对任何建筑物内(房间内或大厅区域)的财产或设备的损坏或毁坏负责,无论是意外还是故意的,并将对这些损失进行评估. 宿舍房间的指定居住者对该房间的所有财产负有经济责任.
  2. 居民必须由一名住房工作人员办理入住和退房手续,并对居住期间发生的任何损坏负责. Students will receive a room condition report (RCR) via their okramail. 学生将有24小时回复RCR电子邮件,以表明是否需要进行任何更改. If 学生住房 does not receive a reply, this will verify the acceptance of the documented condition of the room property. 住客必须至少提前24小时与宿舍助理或宿舍主任预约退房.
  3. Residents will be charged for if the proper check-in or check-out procedure is not followed. Student housing charges are based on the dates provided on the check-in/check-out sheet. 日期根据入住情况而定. 正式登记入住和/或将个人物品留在房间而未正式登记退房构成入住.


  1. Members of the opposite sex will be allowed to visit in the rooms only during visitation. Visitors may visit in the residence hall lobby from 12:00 noon to 1:00 a.m. 除非另有说明.
  2. 学生只有在向宿舍主任登记后,才能在宿舍房间里过夜. 然而,住房办公室不鼓励在周日至周四的工作日晚上过夜. 客人将遵守与学生主人或女主人相同的行为准则,并必须在宿舍主任处登记. No guest under 12 years old is permitted. No guest is allowed during holiday or interim periods. 如果客人没有正确登记,学生将按指定宿舍每晚的每日费率收费. All of this includes students from one residence hall visiting in another residence hall.


  1. Pets and other animals are not permitted in residence halls.
  2. 不允许使用卤素灯.
  3. Cooking 电器 are limited to microwaves, refrigerators, and coffee makers. These must be closely supervised by the user. After one violation, all privileges will be revoked.
  4. Students are not allowed on the roof of any residence hall.
  5. Bicycles are not permitted in the residence hall. 室外设有自行车架.
  6. 不允许在宿舍或家庭公寓的任何地方燃烧蜡烛和熏香.
  7. Babysitting is not allowed in the residence halls.
  8. Sales and solicitors are prohibited in residence halls. Students are advised to report unauthorized salesmen to the Office of University Services. All signs of advertisement must be approved by the Program Managers for 学生住房.
  9. 学生不得在窗户内外交谈,不得在宿舍内制造不必要的噪音.
  10. 学生不得将任何家具搬离房间或将家具从一个房间搬到另一个房间. 大厅和自习室的家具(包括靠垫)不得搬入学生房间.
  11. 篡改宿舍火灾探测系统的学生将被禁止进入宿舍.